8 jul 2016

4th day at the camp.

Yesterday, we got up at half past eight. We went to the dining room and we had breakfast: we had milk, juice, toasts and cake. After that, we went to the pool. Then, we had lunch: fideua and melon. In the afternoon we prepared the videoclip and we had dinner: cream, meat with potatoes and ice cream. In the night we played the Biscuits Tag.

Written by Ana Sempere.


Ayer, nos despertamos a las ocho y media. Fuimos al comedor y desayunamos leche, zumo, tostadas y bizcocho. Después, fuimos a la piscina. Luego, comimos fideua y melón. Por la tarde preparamos el videoclip y cenamos puré, carne con patatas y helado. Por la noche jugamos al Galletón.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Ana, we are very happy to hear from you. Kisses for you and for Elena, Lucía and Teresa.
